How to prevent Pyricularia and Helminthosporium in rice cultivation

Date: 29-07-2022

  • These and other fungal and bacterial infections have serious consequences on crops.
  • Biotechnology makes it possible to strengthen the plant's immune system to defend itself against these diseases.

Pyricularia and Helminthosporium infections are two of the most devastating diseases of rice crops. They are fungal infections that severely affect crops, causing economic losses and affecting the health of the crop.

To deal with these diseases, as well as other bacterial infections, EDYPRO, the company that studies, develops and produces biotechnological fertilisers, proposes a biotechnological solution that reinforces the plant's immune system to prevent and combat these diseases. Specifically, PODIUM ARROZ contributes to the proper functioning of Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) and Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR), which are the immune responses generated by the plant to defend itself against infection by fungal and bacterial pathogens.

This product acts on the plant in three ways. Through foliar application, a primary barrier is created that prevents the infective spore from coming into contact with the leaf epidermis. In addition, its composition ensures that the plant is well nourished, making it stronger to cope with infections. This aspect also encourages the production of volatile molecules which alert neighbouring plants to the infection and enable them to prepare to fight it.

Finally, its application promotes the plant's own hormonal balance, maintaining harmony between vegetative and productive development.

The treatment with this biotechnological solution, in the milky phase, increases the size of the rice grain, increases the specific weight and produces a uniform ripening.

PODIUM ARROZ is a product of vegetable origin that can be applied at any stage of the crop with no safety time limit.


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