France is a small producer of rice, but it is an important contributor to sustainable rice production worldwide. Through its Center for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), France has supported several research programs on rice in different rice growing areas of the world.

Currently in France about 11,000 ha of rice are grown, 75% of which are located in the Camargue area being crop with vital importance to ensure the development of agriculture in this region.

Cultivated in the natural park, rice cultivation is conditioned by significant limitations in use of pesticides and cultural practices. In addition to this, the environmental factors (climate, structure of the soil and its salinity level, the pressure of fauna) influence the production of the rice in a negative way, leaving the average yield below the levels in Italy and Spain.

This is why rice producers are looking for varieties of high yield ceiling or special varieties, which by their market price compensate the low yield.

However, in these difficult conditions, the management of rice crop with our biotech products allows a farmer to obtain important results, which in many cases is the only possibility to achieve the economic profitability of rice cultivation.

Since 2011, EDYPRO is being present in France with our specific biotech products for rice cultivation.

Rice treated with ROOT RICE and EDYFRUIT ARROZ