RICE VIGOR helps to overcome phytotoxicity in the Valencian rice fields

The applications of herbicides provoke phytotoxicity and significant loss of root systems in rice plants. This situation delays the vegetative development of the crop hindering the good performance and productivity. RICE VIGOR is an activator of vegetative development of rice crop designed to overcome the phytotoxicity of herbicides and achieves shortening the time of the vegetative stage in plant development.

RICE VIGOR acts by activating the vegetative development of plant tissues intensifying the green colour of the plant, enhancing the chlorophyll level in the leaves and consequently the self-defense level of the plants. Otherwise intensifies the renovation of root system facilitating the assimilation of fertilizers used.

RICE VIGOR has left a good impression and the farmer is convinced by the advantages of the product and its importance for the cultivation.

In the photos below you can see rice cultivation in Valencia area treated with RICE VIGOR and MELASTOP mixed with the herbicide treatment to recover the culture:

1. Variety Piñana treated with RICE VIGOR + Propanil + Bentazona + MELASTOP in the 2nd herbicide treatment. In the photo you can see how the root is recovering and white roots appear.

2. Variety Argila treated with RICE VIGOR + Propanil + Bentazona + MELASTOP in the 2nd herbicide treatment. The plant has a good appearance with intense green colour and large and healthy root system.

He also liked MELASTOP for its virtues, demonstrating how improving the effectiveness of treatments with the use of a specific pervasive that helps the broth to coat all plant surface and extending the life of the used active ingredients